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Planning Board Minutes 05/03/2012
Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
May 3, 2012

Members Present:  Chairman Kevin Mara, Vice-Chairman Thomas Jameson, Richard Arell, Stan Brehm, Allen Mayville, Richard Moore, Thomas Houle (Alt.), Alan Williams (Alt.) and Secretary Jamie A Pike.

Chairman Mara called the meeting to order at 6:35pm.

Pursuant to RSA 673:11, Chairman Mara appointed Mr. Houle as a voting member for the purposes of this meeting.

The minutes of the April 5, 2012 meeting were reviewed.  A motion was made by Mr. Mayville and seconded by Mr. Houle to approve the minutes as written.  Motion passes.

Subdivision: Richard Boddie, Map 9 Lot 8, Perry Brook Road.

Mr. Richard Boddie was present to speak upon the merits of the application.

The subdivision as presented proposes to create one new lot from an existing 4.90ac lot located on Perry Brook Road.  The new lots will be 2.85 and 2.05 acres respectively.  Each lot has been shown to meet the required road frontage and be comprised of at least 90% residential soils.  The Board reviewed the revised plans as submitted.  The previous checklist from April 5th was reviewed for compliance.  The following findings were noted: proposed drive for lot 8, label of drive on lot 8-1, incorrect abutter at west of property (note: correct abutters were notified), Perry Brook Rd labeled as class VI vs.V.

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Dr. Mara and seconded by Mr. Jameson to accept the application as complete.  Motion passes.

Chairman Mara opened the Public Hearing upon the above application.

Abutters Present:  Brian and Diana Menard, 74 Hilliard Road

Mr. Menard expressed no comment in favor or against the proposed subdivision.

Being no further comment from the public or the Board, a motion was made by Mr. Arell and seconded by Dr. Mara to approve the application for subdivision with the following precedent conditions:

1.      The plat shall show a proposed driveway for lot 8,
2.      The proposed driveway on lot 8-1 shall be labeled for such purpose,
3.      The abutting owner to the west of the property, shown as Langton shall be corrected to:
        a.      Brian and Diana Menard Book 3206/0637
4.      Perry Brook Road shall be labeled as a Class V road.

Upon submission of final plats that have met the above conditions, such application shall be considered to have received final approval.  Without further discussion, Motion passes.

Home Occupation: Frank DePinto,  Map 3 Lot 38-11, Harvest Road

Mr. Frank DePinto was present to speak on the merits of the application.

The application presented proposes the subordinate use of the applicant’s home as a computer repair shop.  Repairs are done on site and customer visits are by appointment only and are restricted to times between 9am and 7pm.  A new plan for the sign which is to be displayed near the end of the driveway was presented.  This sign is 2’ x 2’, totaling 4 sq/ft per side, where there is an allowance within the ordinance for a maximum of 8 sq/ft.

In reviewing the application, the Board requested that a detailed map of all abutters be included with the application.

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Mayville and seconded by Mr. Houle to accept the application as complete.  Motion Passes.

Chairman Mara opened the Public Hearing on the above application.

Abutters Present:  Mike Valotto, 5 Holstein Court

Mr. Valotto expressed no comment in favor or against the proposed home occupation.

Being no further comment from the public or the Board, a motion was made by Mr. Brehm and seconded by Mr. Mayville to approve the application as submitted with the following precedent conditions:

1.      A detailed map of abutting properties shall be attached to the application.

Upon submission of documentation that have met the above condition, such application shall be considered to have received final approval.  Such approval shall lapse in 5 years.  Without further discussion, Motion passes.

Other Business:

The Board discussed the format of the Home Occupation Application.  Points discussed were new questions that the applicant would answer that anticipate impact on the neighborhood, impact on traffic flow, # of daily customers, sound and noise pollution, lighting, parking and ADA compliance.  Mr. Pike was requested to draft a new application for review at the June meeting.

Mr. Pike presented an application for a Home Occupation on King Road for a solid waste disposal company, similar to the one located on Canterbury Road in Loudon.  The Board determined that this would not be considered a home occupation, if there was no refuse to be stored on the site, limited to one truck.  A letter shall be drafted to the applicant expressing this finding of the Board.

The Board discussed the upcoming Public Hearing on May 23rd for Unitil and the trimming of trees on the Scenic Roads in Chichester.  The Board reviewed to statute regarding the requirement to hold a public hearing.

The Board discussed the possibility of having a thorough audit of the Subdivison and Site Review Regulations completed.  Mr. Pike will explore funding options.

New calendars will be printed for the Board.

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Arell and seconded by Mr. Mayville to adjourn the meeting at 7:44pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Jamie A Pike

Kevin J Mara, DVM                                               Not approved until signed.